Sunday, June 20, 2010

Please Come Out for Town Meeting Monday Night at 7 p.m.

Your attendance at tomorrow night's Town Meeting is crucial for protecting the victories we worked so hard to achieve.  Please be there and be ready to defend our town services.

A note on question 4 (clerical employees):  The defeat of question 4 was by the narrowest margin of the four questions.  The question itself was (paraphrasing here): "Do you want to increase taxes to keep these positions?".  The question was not simply do you want these positions to be retained.  Now that questions 1, 2, and 3 passed, the finance committee is now able to propose a budget that retains those positions, without raising our taxes.  I do not feel this proposal goes against the voters wishes, because I believe if the question had been--Should we keep these positions if we can do it without increasing taxes--it would have passed.  Let's not inflict financial hardship on these individuals and add to the numbers of unemployed in Orange.

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