Do you want to help with Friends projects at the library. Below is a staff wish list that Friends discussed at the December meeting. See Walt or contact the Friends if you can help with shelve books, sew cushions, build picnic tables or do other projects.
Library Wish List-
Cordless phone for Moore Leland ($50.00)
Picnic tables for both libraries ($2-300. each)
Book Carts ($2-250. each)
Wall sconces for children’s department
Floor lamp for Wheeler
Programming money
Floor cushions for story time area
Shades/blinds for west windows
Volunteers for upstairs shelving of books
Motion was made to allot money to numbers 1, 3, and 7, motion accepted. Phone and carts will be purchased; cushions will be made by Friends.
Other Information from December, 2006 Meeting
- Welcome and Introductions
- Treasurer’s report- $4500.00 in checking
- Friends financials updates on money in accounts from Building Committee Fundraising (2002, etc) - total between checking and 1 savings= $18,891.71 (it was originally divided to avoid having one account with more than $10,000.00); it was decided to keep the checking account, and roll the savings accounts into a CD that Sharman will research and find the highest rate. Motion was made to put two names on accounts. Sharman and Joanie were accepted.
- Membership drive update- 100 postcards were mailed, and placed around town. From that number, there are now 15 new members.
- November 4th, MA Friends of the Library and MA Library Trustees Conference- attended by and reported on by Rice. The conference focused on programming, raising money, and having friends for the library.
- Several great for Friends projects were discussed including:
& Piggy back on other town events (Starry, Starry Night, Farmer’s Market)
& “We Love our Patrons” Day (with Valentine’s Day)
& Welcome Wagon (work with local realtors to get names of people moving to the area)
& Calendar (one town did local working men holding relevant books and sold them for $20.00 each)
& Appraisal dinner - Update on books cleared from storage room- prison never responded, but two boxes were donated to Quabbin Valley Health care
- One Book Program- letter of intent was submitted by Walt. The application for the grant needs to be submitted by 3/1/07. There were concerns that this would begin around the same time as the Family Literacy Program, and possible building funding, and it might be over whelming. Both Montague and Athol began their programs with a grant, but Athol said that doing it with a grant might be more work for the library staff. Other ideas and suggestions were:
& Avoiding author visits (as they are very expensive), and spending the money on other programs such as videos, dinners, posters)
& Engaging selectmen and library trustees to each sponsor a chapter and lead discussion, with mentoring from library staff
Workshop to learn how to complete the application and run program will be attended by Walt and Celia. There was a motion to move forward with this and it was accepted. - Fundraising- Adam Bergeron, a local pianist, has offered to perform a concert to benefit Friends. Ideas of combining other performers were raised. Joanie to follow up with Adam to ask him about the venue, and get more information.
- Garden Update- clearing and planting have been completed. Ground will be covered to ready it for a vegetable garden in the spring.
- Sign-up for bringing treats/fruit the weeks around the holidays
Closing- next meeting is set for February 5, 2007. This meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.
Notes compiled by Celia Hastings
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