Wednesday, June 07, 2006

June 2006 Meeting Notes

Friends of the Orange Public Libraries
Meeting Notes June 5, 2006

Welcome and agenda review
Secretary’s report
Treasurer’s report
Nomination of officers for October Election
Book Sale
Garden Project
Annual letter

Welcome, introductions, and agenda review
1. Review past minutes from April 3, 2006- accepted
2. Treasurer’s report- $2000.00 donation for the summer reading program, from the Athol/Orange Rotary
3. Nomination of officers for October Election- nominations include: Pres/Co. Pres (Vice) - Pat Larson and Joanie Cohen-Mitchell; Treasurer- Sharman Prouty; Secretary-Celia Hastings
4. Book Sale- set for June 17, 2006, 10-2pm (rain date set for June 18, 2006, 10-2pm). Press release has been given to Joanie and flyers were passed out to be put up around town. So far, no venders yet.
a) Organizing of books will be done Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 6-8pm and Friday from 10-1pm. Those interested are encouraged to stop by. Categories may include fiction, non-fiction, children’s, cooking, crafts, etc.
b) Pricing recommended is $1.00 for hard cover and $.50 for soft cover. A special priced table will also be set up. Suggested to fill a library tote bag for $10.00-$15.00.
c) Baking- donations of cookies, brownies, pies have been offered. Celia to run bake sale table.
d) Set-up will begin at 8am on Saturday. A tent and a dolly have both been offered.
e) Cashier will be Sharman and another
f) Tables will be collected by Rice and Celia
g) Clean-up and Volunteers- Pat will contact those who filled out the survey last year to see if we can get more volunteers
h) Posters and Publicity- Joanie will run a paid ad in the Athol Daily News: Walt will see if they will do a cover story with a picture
5. Garden Project- Pat (Larson) and Pat (Conrad) worked on weeding the plot between the two parking lots. Composted manure was donated and will be picked up. Up to $50.00 was requested for flowers and annuals-motioned- seconded- passed.
6. Blog- the blog from the website,, is running. Friends may make contributions. It is accessible from the website with the user name orangelibraryfriends and the password of wheeler01364.
7. Annual letter- Joanie will compile a letter to be mailed in August looking for new recruits. Suggested we do an orange postcard instead to cut down on postage costs. Joanie will email at the end of summer to see if anyone has names and addresses of people who might be interested. 8. Other- Trustee issue continues to be the parking lot entrance. This issue will be brought up again at the next meeting.
9. Closing- next meeting is set for October. This meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.
Compiled by Celia Hastings

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